Application Domains

Application Domains

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7

  • Program: ARTEMIS

  • Project acronym: CESAR

  • Project title: Cost-efficient methods and processes for safety relevant embedded systems

  • Duration: March 2009 - June 2012

  • Coordinator: AVL List GmbH

  • Other partners: 59 project partners (main partners for us: AIRBUS, IRIT (CNRS)...)

  • URL: http://www.cesarproject.eu/

  • Abstract:

    In the context of CESAR, we have participated to the sub-project 3 demonstrator in order to demonstrate the usability of Polychrony as a co-simulation tool within the reference technology platform of the project, to which its open-source release has been integrated. The case-study, implemented in collaborateion with Airbus and IRIT, consists of co-modeling the doors management system of an Airbus A350 by merging its architecture description, specified with AADL, with its behavioral description, specified with Simulink.

    In this case-study, we demonstrate that the Polychrony toolset can effectively serve as a modeling infrastructure to compositionally assemble, compile and verify heterogeneous specifications (AADL and Simulink). Our case study covers code generation for real-time simulation and test as well as formal verification both at system-level and in a GALS framework. Based on that case study, we are developing further modular code-generation services, real-time simulation, test and performance evaluation, formal verification as well as the validation of the generated concurrent and distributed code.

  • Program: ITEA2

  • Project acronym: OPEES

  • Project title: Open Platform for the Engineering of Embedded Systems

  • Duration: Feb. 2009 - Dec. 2012

  • Coordinator: Obeo

  • Other partners: 30 partners (main partners for us: Airbus, CS Communication & Systèmes, INDRA (Spain), INPT/IRIT...)

  • URL: http://www.opees.org/

  • Abstract: The ITEA2 project OPEES is the continuation of the ANR project OPENEMBEDD to provide an open-source platform for embedded software design. Its outcome will outlive the duration of the project as it has given rise to an Industrial Working Group of the Eclipse consortium, Polarsys, whose goal is to host and maintain the proposed open-source platform and guarantee its long-term availability.

    The mission of OPEES is to build a community able to ensure durability of innovative engineering technologies in the domain of critical software-intensive embedded systems. Its main objectives are to secure the industrial strategy, improve their competitiveness and develop the European software industry.

    Our goal in the OPEES project was to deliver the Polychrony toolset on the Polarsys platform as an infrastructure for the co-simulation and co-verification of embedded architectures. To this end, Polychrony has been under a quality assessment process performed in collaboration with CS.